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What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know About Oral Health

What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know About Oral Health

Pregnancy is a major life event where your health is a top priority. That’s why you see your OB/GYN so frequently. 

Did you know pregnancy also affects your teeth? Many of the hormonal, immunological, and metabolic changes that occur during pregnancy increase your risk of gum disease and cavities. Further, your oral health affects your pregnancy and your baby’s teeth.

Located in The Woodlands, Texas, and serving the greater Houston area, including Highlands Village, West University, River Oaks, Rice Village, and Memorial, Scott Young, DDS, provides prenatal dental care, taking excellent care of your teeth for you and your baby.

Pregnancy and dental health

Many factors during pregnancy increase the risk of oral health problems during pregnancy. Hormonal changes make your gums more sensitive and swollen, causing them to bleed when brushing and flossing. 

Additionally, your immune system is weaker, making you more vulnerable to the actions of the bacteria in the mouth, increasing the risk of gum disease, also called gingivitis.

The vomiting that affects many people during the early months of pregnancy exposes teeth to acid that may wear away enamel. You also produce less saliva and may find yourself snacking on carbohydrates throughout the day to help ease the nausea. Enamel loss, less saliva, and exposure to carbs may increase the risk of cavities. 

How dental health affects pregnancy

Your dental health can affect the baby’s development during pregnancy. You can transfer the bacteria that causes cavities to your baby during and after pregnancy, affecting the bacterial environment in their mouth before birth. So, your oral health during pregnancy may cause future dental problems for your child. 

The health of your mouth may also affect your pregnancy. Gum disease during pregnancy may increase the risk of premature birth. More than 60% of women have gum disease during pregnancy.  

Dental care during pregnancy

A heightened risk of oral health issues during pregnancy means you need to take a proactive approach to oral care. It’s safe for you to come in for regular teeth cleanings and dental checkups. Let us know your pregnancy details when you come in so we can keep you and your baby safe. 

You can even have dental work done during pregnancy, like fillings for cavities and 

root canals. Local anesthetics are generally risk-free during pregnancy. We can take X-rays using proper precautions, like a lead apron if needed. 

Dental care during pregnancy is as important as prenatal care, protecting your and your baby’s health. Is it time for your routine dental visit? Call us at 832-610-3123 or request an appointment online with our skilled and compassionate dentist for comprehensive dental care during your pregnancy


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